back pay: 체불 임금; (임금 인상에 따른) 소급분 임금 (from Daum 영어사전)
income that should have been paid or was expected at an earlier time
(from Cambridge online dictionary)
‘A common remedy for wage violations is an order that the employer make up the difference
between what the employee was paid and the amount he or she should have been paid.
The amount of this sum is often referred to as "back pay."’
임금 위반에 관한 일반적인 해결책은 고용주에게 근로자가 받았던 돈과 근로자가 받았어야 했던
임금의 차액을 지급하라는 (법원의) 명령이다. 이 경우의 차액을 흔히 “체불 임금”이라고 부른다.
미국 노동부 website의 back pay에 관한 정의입니다
Illinois DCFS (Department of Children and Family Services), home health care employees
get millions in back pay.
일리노이 주의 아동 및 가족부의 가정건강관리 직원들은 수백만 달러를 체불 임금으로 받았다.
(DCFS, home health care employees get millions in back pay by Justin Carter, July 3rd 2019)
CF> back pay (American English) = arrears of pay (British English)
[Source: 다음영어사전])
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